July, 19th, 2010
No. 289/VIII/3

Press release

The prosecutors within the National Anti-corruption Directorate sent to trial the defendant RĂDULESCU VOICHIŢA VALERICA who was charged with the offence of traffic of influence.

The prosecutors’ indictment stipulates that:

During November 2007, the defendant Rădulescu Voichiţa Valerica requested and received from a denouncer the amount of 35,000 euro, money that she was to remit to the decision making officials within the City Hall of Sector 5 Bucharest in order for the son and daughter in law of the denouncer to receive a social dwelling.
The prosecutors ordered the seizure of an apartment belonging to the defendant, with a view to ordering the special confiscation of the amount of money requested and received by the defendant.

The case was sent to the Bucharest Tribunal.

It should be mentioned that this stage of the criminal proceedings represents, according to the Criminal Procedure Code, the completion of the criminal investigation in order for the indictment to be sent to court, for trial, a situation which cannot under any circumstances infringe the principle of presumption of innocence.


Alte legături de la această informație

comunicate de presă din 06 iulie 2009
comunicate-hotărâri de condamnare din 18 aprilie 2012