October, 6th, 2018
No. 744/VIII/3
Considering the information presented by the press regarding the suspicions which promote the idea that millions of Romanians have been wiretapped and according to which 3000 magistrates have been investigated by DNA during the last 4 years and also that half of the Romanian magistrates have had criminal files for years, criminal files which have been probably used to influence them to rule decisions agreed upon outside the court room,
We provide the public opinion with the following statistics:
I. Technical surveillance court warrants/authorisations ordering the wiretapping of communications in DNA cases, for a period of 11 years (January 1st 2005 – February 16th 2016, the date when the Constitutional Court issued the Decision no. 51):
- 24,576 surveillance court warrants/authorisations were issued
- the number of people against whom these surveillance court warrants / authorisations were issued was of 36,406.
II. The cases with magistrates registered in DNA according to its jurisdiction as provided by article 13 paragraph 1 letter b) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 43/2000 during January 1st 2014 – July 30th 2018, i.e. during 4 years and 6 months and which are currently subject to the control of the Judicial Inspection.
The cases with magistrates registered in DNA were started on the basis of the following notification methods:
- 130 cases based on some notifications (complaints, denouncements) submitted against some judges who try criminal cases;
- 624 cases based on some notifications (complaints, denouncements) submitted against some judges who try civil, administrative or other cases that are not criminal;
- 594 cases based on some notifications (complaints, denouncements) submitted against some prosecutors;
- 521 cases based on some notifications (complaints, denouncements) which do not contain the name of the involved magistrate / magistrates, the court or prosecutor’s office to which they belong is not mentioned or the complaint is submitted against all the judges or prosecutors from a certain court or prosecutor’s office, but without naming them;
- 250 cases in which there are ex officio notifications and 79 of them are against judges who try civil cases, 54 of them are against judges who try criminal cases, and 117 of them are against prosecutors;
- 277 cases received as a result of transfer from other prosecutor’s offices
Of these cases:
- during 2014 – July 2018, a number of 1978 were solved, among which: 56 cases were sent to trial regarding 73 magistrates (42 judges and 31 prosecutors); for 1922 cases, the prosecutors ordered other solutions (closing them, transferring them etc.);
- On October 5th 2018, there are 233 ongoing cases regarding complaints, notifications against magistrates;
- the courts ruled final conviction decisions against 65 magistrates (35 judges and 30 prosecutors);
- currently, there are cases in court, in different procedural stages, regarding 25 magistrates (10 judges and 15 prosecutors);
- the courts ruled final acquittal decisions for 10 magistrates (6 judges and 4 prosecutors).