May, 23rd, 2016
No. 690/VIII/3

Press release

The prosecutors from the National Anticorruption Directorate – the Section for Combating the Offences Assimilated to Those of Corruption have ordered the continuation of the criminal investigation against the following suspects:

VASILE CIURCHEA, who was, at the time the offences were committed, i.e. February 2007 - January 2009, a President of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS),
VALERIU SIMION, who was, at the time the offences were committed, a Vice-President of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS),
LEANA STOEA, who was, at the time the offences were committed, a Deputy General Director of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS),
MIHAI BEJAT, who was, at the time the offences were committed, a Director at the Information Technology Department within the National Health Insurance House (CNAS),
OVIDIU MUNTEANU, who was, at the time the offences were committed, a Director at the Legal and Litigation Department within the National Health Insurance House (CNAS),

all the above mentioned people have been charged with the offence of abuse of office if the civil servant obtained an undue benefit for himself/herself or for someone else, an offence committed through repeated acts and activities.

IRINEL POPESCU, who was, at the time the offences were committed, i.e. January – December 2009, a President of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS)
CONSTANTIN MARIA MIHAELA, a Deputy General Director
MEDVEȘ ISTVAN LUCIAN, a Director of the Information Technology Department
MIHAI LILIANA MARIA, a Director at the Legal, Litigation and International Agreements Department

all the above mentioned people have been charged with the offence of abuse of office if the civil servant obtained an undue benefit for himself/herself or for someone else

SC HP Romania S.R.L., a legal entity that has been charged with the offence of complicity to abuse of office if the civil servant obtained an undue benefit for himself/herself or for someone else, an offence committed through repeated acts and activities.

The prosecutors' ordinance shows that there are data and evidence that outline the following state of facts:

During 2007-2009, several addenda to a contract were concluded between the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) and HP Romania S.R.L. The object of the contract was the computerization of the institution. Through these addenda, additional services were purchased for technical assistance and on-site training for the Integrated Single Information System (SIUI) and for the software that ensures resource planning (ERP) for over evaluated prices, i.e. € 804/day-person in case of two of these addenda and € 760/day-person, in case of another addendum, of those analysed in this case.

The evidence of the case shows that these addenda had been concluded under the following conditions:

- without organizing a public procurement procedure as required by law;
- the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) accepted the proposals of SC HP ROMANIA without conducting its own analysis of the necessaries and of the offered price, without a real negotiation and without a substantiation of the price from the supplier,
- the offers of SC HP ROMANIA SRL were not analysed within the Negotiation / Analysis and Technical-Economic Evaluation Commission for the optimization of SIUI
- these services were subcontracted up to the direct providers, for lower and lower prices, so that for the services actually performed, the providers received a maximum of € 200 / day-person.

It is estimated that, by contracting, presumably illegally, the additional services, a damage of €16,847,405.96 was caused, VAT included (representing the difference between the value of the services invoiced by SC HP ROMANIA SRL and the real cost of these services of € 200 / day-person), money that was allegedly paid by the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) illegally.

As regards the people responsible for causing this damage, the evidence of the case shows that they are on the one hand, the employees of the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) who signed these addenda and on the other hand, the company HP Romania SRL which, in its offer addressed to the National Health Insurance House (CNAS), requested an overestimated and unsubstantiated price.
The suspects – the individuals and the legal entity – were informed about their legal status and the charges brought against them, according to the provisions of article 307 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

It should be mentioned that the carrying out of the criminal investigation represents a stage of the criminal proceedings regulated by the Criminal Procedure Code, an activity which cannot, under any circumstances, violate the principle of presumption of innocence.